The eJourney Logbook is an electronic version of existing paper forms carried on a commercial aircraft. It includes hours and cycles, crew information, fuel management, delays and landing information, and vendor services used. It can be used on any portable computer (tablet, laptop etc) as well as aircraft-mounted computers.
Forms include Crew Assignment & Route information, Takeoff and Landing Data, Aircraft Hours and Cycles, Schedule Delays, Vendor Services, Oil and Hydraulic Fluid data, Engine Cruise Log data and De-Icing information.
Fuel Management helps the flight crew to plan for their fuel requirements based on the airline’s flight plan fuel. It allows flight crew to calculate fuel requirements and uplifts as well as automatically performing unit conversions. Pilots’ compliance with the airline’s fuel plan can be measured over time and built-in gross error checking helps eliminate erroneous entries and increase accuracy. All fuel records will be held on the server and populated into relevant airline systems. In addition, records can be sorted by vendor allowing for easy fuel management reconciliation. Fuel consumption can also be reported and analyzed by aircraft, flight number, flight crew, etc.